"Situated at the end of the Beothuk Trail lies the peaceful, yet energetic community of Brighton. A horseshoe-shaped, well-protected harbour attracted early settlers to this secluded island locale.
Originally called Dark Tickle, the settlement is actually located on two islands - Cobbler's Island and Brighton Island - which are connected by a cause-way. According to local tradition, when the new post office was built in the early 1900's, the residents decided to brighten up the community, and the new name was adopted.
The first homesteader in Dark Tickle is believed to have been Moses Jenkins, who arrived in the 1840's. Moses Point, at the end of Cobbler's Island, obtained its name from this man."
"Brighton remained exclusively a fishing settlement right up until the 1950's. In 1884 a schooner from Dark Tickle caught 58 quintals of cod, 25 barrels of herring and 50 barrels of capelin. By 1921 there were four lobster factories where 29 cases of lobster were packed from 151 traps.
Fishermen worked extremely hard in earlier times. Heading out to sea before dawn, they rowed six miles each day to reach their traps. As Joseph Fudge comments, "we often fell asleep on our paddles while rowing." The larger dories were equipped with three sets of oars to facilitate more manpower."
Excerpt from Moments in Time, (Green Bay Economic Development Association 1994).