"Some sources suggest Harry's Harbour started as early as 1825, while others say 1840.
It is believed the first settler was Harry Hewlett, a fisherman from England. Some presume this is how the community got its name." "Harry's Harbour is situated around a deep harbour, with fairly good fishing grounds in close proximity. This proved highly beneficial for the early settlers.
At first the fishery was a way of putting food on the table. In later years though, fishing became a more economically feasible endeavour. Not only was there the small boat inshore effort, but several residents ventured into the northern cod
fishery off the coast of Labrador.
"One time we would heave the fish away, what they catch today," says one elderly native of Harry's Harbour in reference to how large the cod used to be."
Excerpt from Moments in Time, (Green Bay Economic Development Association 1994).