"Until the early 1900's Roberts Arm was known as Rabbits Arm because of the abundance of snowshoe hare in the area. Local rabbit was sold to a factory located in South Brook.
John Roberts, who was an influential member of the community, owned a large quantity of land in what is now called the subdivision. He is believed to be the inspiration behind the name Roberts Arm.
When people first came to this area, they would stay only for the winter months to trap, and return to their homes on the outlying Green Bay islands in the spring."
| Roberts Arm from Hazelnut Hill
"It was logging, however, that was to be the economic backbone of Roberts Arm.
Between 1930 and 1935 Peter Parsons from Long Island was contracted to produce pitprop for the overseas market. The wood was driven via a brook to Tommy's Arm (a shipping depot for pitprop and pulpwood located about three miles outside of the community) and loaded on ships to be taken to its destination. William Faulkner from Point Leamington also produced pitprop, working from Tommy's Arm during the depression years. Both operations were small scale and short term.
By 1935, 45 residents lived in the community. Mark Rowsell was the local merchant, but many residents traded at Pilley's Island or Little Bay Islands.
In 1937 Roberts Arm became a major centre for pulpwood. Bowater came to town under the supervision of A. J. Hewlett who was born and raised there. Hewlett fought in the Second World War and after he returned, went to work for Bowater in Corner Brook. He was later transferred to Roberts Arm. Men from other communities working in Tommy's Arm moved to Roberts Arm with their families. The population was on the rise ...
Excerpts from Moments in Time, (Green Bay Economic Development Association 1994).